Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Great Poetry!

So often Teachers search for poetry that is modern and fun, but that is like looking for a needle in a haystack. Try this:

Doo-Wop Girls of the Universe-A collection of poems by Fiuala Dowling. It is published by Penguin Books. Geared more for High School level, but sharp and witty. I thought I would share this one with you:


When I am down my well,

the one with the slippery black sides,

no toeholes, and only a pinhole

of light 3000 compass turns above,

I still describe myself as "fine".

I am thinking of saying "well"

instead. Yes, i think in future

I will definitely reply,"I am well".

"Well" is more accurate,

and more of a cry for help.
Finuala Dowling is South African and from Cape town. Another poem to read is The lime-green clasp. Do yourself a favour and get the book!

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