Thursday, December 27, 2007

The Secret

Many of you have probably heard of the book 'The Secret' by Rhonda Byrne, but for those of you that haven't, please try and get hold of a copy. It is available as a book or you can buy the DVD. It makes you look at life in a positive way, something we South Africans sometimes find very difficult to do. It will affect all aspects of your life, and if enough people read this book, then maybe we can turn this country around. At best, your life will change for the better.

I wish you and your families a 'Wow' 2008.

Friday, December 21, 2007

Interactive human body

High-school Biology teachers should find this site extremely useful. Click on

Click on the brain, heart, digestive system, lungs or skin . Each part of the body is clearly explained with interactive programmes.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Just for you!

Life is always so hectic as teachers, so why not focus on yourself for a change. If you like SuDoku puzzles, this one is for you. Click on for a number game that is lots of fun. It works in a similar way to the Rubrick. You are given a grid of numbers in sequential order. Click on the word JUMBLE and all the numbers are mixed up. You then have to try and get them back to their original position by moving numbers into the blank square. Very tricky initially, but it sure gets the brain going.
You can also use this for your bright kids who need to be extended, or why not let children work in pairs to see what they can do.
Have fun!

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Hundred square

Here is another gem - an interactive hundred square with many great options. Go to At the top of the square are all the different buttons.
The i is the information page that explains everything. The c clears all the numbers that have been 'hidden'. The t toggles all the hiders so that all the 'hidden' numbers are now revealed and all the other numbers are now 'hidden'. The number on the top right of the square is the increment number e.g. if you increase it to 2 the numbers in the square will count in two's, if it says 3 the numbers in the square will count in threes etc.
You can alter the starting number of the square by clicking on the arrows on the top left of the square.
To hide a number, click on the blue or green bar at the top of the number. To 'unhide' click again. A pattern of numbers can be created by clicking on the coloured bars at the bottom of each number e.g. a pattern can be created where all the numbers are red, while another pattern can be created using green or yellow.
Please try it out - it really is user friendly!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007


Click on for a site that deals with units of measurement for mass, capacity and length. This is a simple programme that is designed for grades 3 to 5. Each measurement has several exercises with the facility to check whether answers are correct.

Quote for December

'If you can read this, thank a teacher!'
Anonynous teacher